|     |  | Vegetables The vegetables grown are typical of the surrounding district. Canestrini tomatoes, Lucchese onions, courgettes "ad alberello" ( grown on small shrubs), black cabbage, various types of salad(lettuce) and naturally Cannellino beans, which have been the flagship product of the estate for many years. On the estate there is also an enchanting highly perfumed and colourful herb-garden. There is also a small orchard where some plants in danger of extinction are cultivated, including two varieties of apples: the "mela zucchina" (lit. "courgette"apple) and the "mela casciana" (lit. apple of Casciana- named after a local village). With great affection and devotion for the land and its natural surroundings, this small estate, handed down to them by their forefathers is being lovingly cared for Paolo and Caterina, who look forward to welcoming you in person to their home to tell you about the birth and the development of their farm.  |  |     |  |